sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011

My first time traveling by plane!

I will never forget that amazing and embarrassing experience. It was 22nd of august in 2010, but it was a cold and cloudy day. My parents and I were waiting at the Barcelona airport for my flight to Vienna. I had won that trip after some months working in a project about the environment, and then I was going to travel by plane for the first time with some friends. I was really nervous!

Once we had been inside the plane, we sat in our places and started to inspect the plane. There were a lot of interesting things that claimed my attention: some estrange buttons at the top, magazines and catalogs at the front of me subjected by a removable table and the emergency material at the bottom of our sits. At first I inspected the buttons and the emergency material while air hostesses were giving some instructions. Then, when they had finished I wanted to leaf through catalogs. First, I tried to open out the table but I couldn’t.  Later, I started to think about how could work the table’s mechanism and finally, fed-up of trying different ways to open out it, I shook the table strongly, moving the sit in front of me too.

At first I hadn’t realized that if it was a sit, maybe it was occupied by another traveler, but then I did it: I noticed that in that sit there was a young woman. I went bright red, it was so embarrassing! I had being annoying her all that time, poor girl!

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011

What's your earliest memory?

Scientific studies guarantee that your brain starts to keep temporal information since the 20th gestation’s week, but the time we start to store memories that could last forever begins at the age of 3 years old, or as an exception since the 30th month (2 years and a half).

Currently, there are some discussions about other possibilities: scientists say that it’s impossible to keep memories before you’re two years and a half, cause our brain isn’t prepared to store them... But many people ensure that they have some memories of when they were more or less one year old. Psychologists justify that fact indicating that they could have created these memories from the explanations and anecdotes that the family could have explained them. But what’s true and what’s false? It all depends on the glass through you look. Even if it’s too difficult, science could fail sometimes, science could rectify its laws.

And after that, what do you think it’s your earliest memory? Are you sure it’s a memory? Or it’s only a creation originated from explains you’ve received? Well, in my humble opinion, I think is possible having memories of earlier times to were 2 years and a half. I don’t know what’s my first memory, cause I have many short memories that I can’t put in a chronologically order, but I know that these firsts memories were before I was two and while I was two years old.

 I can remember many things about my childhood, but my earliest memories are almost all about me and my grandma. In my firsts three years of life I was raised by her, cause my parents were working hard to earn enough money to pay all my needs, so she was living in my home. I remember that many days I didn’t want to eat my porridge and then my grandma always gave me her soup, even then she hadn’t nothing to have lunch. I recall those summer hot days, when we ate some peaches together and admired the velvety fruit’s skin. We loved peaches and I still love them, their smell and touch take me a stroll down memory lane: they remind me her. 

I remember clearly my first days in the nursery, I didn’t like it. I hated to go there, but luckily I started primary school soon, when I was still two. At the same time, my grandma had a road accident and she had to go back to her home, I still remember it sadly. Since then, I didn’t miss even a weekend without visiting her. I went every Friday to her flat and I turned home every Sunday evening.

 Scientist may say that we can’t store memories until we are three or two and a half years old, but I know that these memories are true memories because I can remember smells, touches, feelings... and no one could explain that to me. I know they are before I was two years and a half, cause it was the age that I was when my grandma had to turned back to her flat, and all the memories were before that. Now it seems impossible, but maybe someday they’ll have to correct something about their theories or add exceptions...

We can recall our past but, no one could know the future!

I leave you here a beautiful song with an amazing short related with life and memories, I hope you enjoy it:

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011

The best way to learn english

Nowadays, we’re living in a world which is in a constant change and we must improve with it if we want to be ready to any situation. In actually, we’re suffering a world crisis and maybe someday we’ll get a job in another country with another language - cause we don’t find it in our country. Languages are really important: they help us to communicate with people; we can share opinions, feelings, desires… But to communicate with people of all over the world, we must know different languages… or maybe only one, an international or universal language!

English is considered an universal or auxiliary language, cause it’s a language meant for communication between people from different nations who don’t share a common native language. Learning English could be difficult to many people. Even if they are taking many classes or if they study really hard, sometimes they don’t know how to face a real situation in which they have to use that new language.

And how can we improve our English? Well, I’m gonna tell you some advices based on my experience, so take a pen and a paper and take notes of the best way to learn English:

First advice: When you’ve decided that you’re gonna learn English, you don’t have to think that it’s something that you’ll study by heart. You have to think that learning a language it’s a very interactive activity, and that you can enjoy learning. Don’t worry and relax!

Second advice: Depending on your level, you’ll have to do different activities. For example, if you’re taking classes, you can improve your English at home with some interactive activities of your level (like seeing films in English: at first with subtitles in your language, later with subtitles in English, and at last, only in English, without subtitles). With this advice, you will do an important step: You’ll start to learn real English.

Third advice: Look for some series, films, songs or books that you like a lot. When you have done the 2nd advice, you can try that. With that advice, you’ll know much more vocabulary in English, you’ll habituate your ears to listen English and you’ll understand conversations, compositions and explanations faster than ever.

Fourth advice: The best way of all to learn English is go to a country which has that language like the official (USA, Britain, Scotland…) and live there for some years, cause you’ll have to talk everybody in English. If you can’t travel (for economic reasons, or others), you have to make a friend who’s English. Doesn’t matter if you make the friend during a trip with your family, in a chat, in an exchange, by facebook or twitter… You must talk to him/her often, and you’ll learn to face real situations, you’ll habituate your ears to real English and you’ll start learn informal English vocabulary.

Fifth advice: Once you have done the four last advices, you’ll be prepared to combine them. I’m sure you’ll learn English really fast if you take classes, study hard grammar and study by heart some difficult vocabulary, listen to songs in English, make an effort and watch movies in English and talk with some English or American friends.

And remember, you have to enjoy what you learn, don’t get angry if you don’t understand something, relax and try it again!

Here you have a photo of me and my English friends, with them I've improved a lot. Since I met them, I lost the embarrassment of speaking in English!