martes, 6 de marzo de 2012

Should English be the world language?

A labored language is now a life insurance, it can open many doors in life. The way you communicate is your cover letter to other people, and it’s important that they receive a positive feeling from the outset. But nowadays, it doesn’t only matters that you know how to use your own language. Thanks to globalization and needs that have appeared throughout the years, we have had the need to travel, discover the world and seek new opportunities.

To go deep into that big world, you need to know how to handle more or less any situation that may crop up. And for that, we have to know how to communicate, how to transmit our wishes and needs, our ideas and thoughts to the world around us. As we see, it isn’t enough dominating our language, we need to know other languages to communicate in the different countries that we visit. 

But what if we could establish an international official language? Surely it would be easier. In all places, people would know that language. So wherever you go, you just need to know that international language (apart from your mother tongue) and it would have solved everything. Obviously, you don’t have to forget your mother tongue because it would make disappear the different cultures that coexist nowadays in our world, and no one wants that.

If we had to choose a language to set it as the official universal language, we should consider several points. It must be a widely known language, spoken in so many different locations. It should also be relatively easy to learn to facilitate that its learning reaches all the populations. And finally, if the language is similar to other languages besides fulfills the last conditions, it would be easier to choose it.

Pos.Lengua (idioma)Hablantes como lengua materna (Ethnologue 1999)Hablantes como 1ª y 2ª lengua (Ethnologue 1999)Total hablantes (Krysstal 2010).Mapas lingüísticos
1Chino mandarín874.000.0001.052.000.0001.151.000.000Mandarin in China.png
2Español 358.000.000417.000.000500.000.000 (400 mill. nativos)Map-Hispanophone World.png
3Inglés341.000.000508.000.0001.000.000.000 (375 mill. nativos)Anglospeak(800px).png

Consulting information in my mother tongue, we can see that Chinese is the language that fulfills better the first condition. It is the most spoken language in the world. Its disadvantage is that it is the most spoken because China's population is the largest, so therefore the number of people who spoke the language also becomes larger. Moreover, it isn’t known at several places, his power is only concentrated in countries that speak the language.  

On the other hand, English isn’t as spoken like Chinese, but it is much more popular. It is spoken in America, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa… And it’s learned as a second language in many countries. Its similarities to other languages ​​like German, its global popularity and its relatively ease of learning (compared for example with Japanese or Korean) make this language the perfect candidate to be established as a world language.

And if English doesn’t work well, we have a second candidate, my mother tongue: Spanish. Looking at the above table, we see that it is the most spoken after Chinese and English, and the most popular in different countries after English.

I hope that someday we won’t matter our culture differences and we’ll be able to establish a world language. That day, borders won’t mind, everyone would share a very big thing: their own LANGUAGE.

"I have a dream"

“I have a dream…” It is the most famous part of the best-known Martin Luther King’s speech. He was fighting for his dream: to live in a world where it doesn’t matter the color of people’s skin, where people with dark or fair skin have the same rights and live as equals. This speech was delivered on August 28, 1963, during the march on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. It was a defining moment for the Civil Rights Movements in America and it’s considered one of the best speeches in history.

Nowadays it seems that everyone has the same rights civil and that we all live in harmony, but it isn’t true at all. In some countries still exists discrimination, racism, exploitation. Some countries are still involved in wars that only damage the civil population. Some countries still discriminate people by their color skin, by their sex, age and money. Some children don’t have childhood and some elder people don’t have a family or a home.

My dream is simple, but difficult. I would like that everybody could live in harmony, having the work they want, having a family and a home, frees of prejudices and social classes. I would love that. Anyone wouldn’t be better than anyone else, more important or richest. For me, it would be something beautiful to live in a world where everyone has the same rights and opportunities, where it doesn't exist any necessity of causing conflicts, battles or even wars.

Maybe it’s too difficult to reach that level. Humans have naturally some features that preclude my desire, that stop it. But I know we can improve, we have done it always. Why we couldn’t do it now? We just need will, awareness and specially time, a lot of time.

A better world is possible and we can prove it!

jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

If you could have your ideal job...

If you could have your ideal job, what would it be and why?
How would your working day go?

Those are questions that I often ask to me. I'd love to work with animals, but I love medicine too. If I could have my ideal job, I would work as a doctor or maybe as a vet. I would have studied the career some years ago so I’d have the experience that those degrees give you. Maybe, some years before I’d have my ideal job, I have to work in others sides to earn money to pay my career and why not, to get more experience. 

But someday, I’ll get the job I want. I would like to have a full-time job to earn enough money to pay my future house and vehicle. I’d work every morning from Monday to Friday, even Saturday’s mornings if it’s necessary (I repeat it, I'm talking about my ideal job, not about the reality). I would start at 8 or 9 am in the morning, having a break between 2 and 3 pm more or less to have lunch. Then, I would finish my working day about 5 pm. 

But I’m not sure if that’s the life that I want for me. And what if I want to travel or work in an ONG? I have always loved Greenpeace and Medicos Sin Fronteras, and it would be a privilege for me to work there. It would be very different. Maybe I haven’t marked schedules, maybe I have to live in another country, and why not, maybe I’d be happy with that. I’d love to help anyone I could; I’d like to save people’s life.

The problem comes if I ever want to have a family, to have children. I must have an appropiate schedule if I want to enjoy my time with them, my husband and my pets. I’d like to have time to play with them, to help my children with their homework and to educate them the best I can. I’d like to bring them to their school and play with my pugs every day (I'd love to have some of that dogs, they're lovely). But for doing that, I know that I must have a different working schedule…
And this is something I will discuss another day!